NAPFA 2023奖获得者
Jessica Hovis Smith, CFP®,CPWA®,CLU®,CAP®,
杰西卡是Longview Financial Advisors, Inc.的总统. Her primary role is to set the vision and support the team; however, 她也仍然喜欢实践她最初热爱的财务规划.
自2005年进入该行业以来, she has been continually engaged with the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). 这包括担任过去的南部地区董事会成员, 参与播客和讨论圈, 在几个委员会任职, 其中包括一个挑选该组织前任首席执行官的委员会, 并主持2019年全国会议.
In 2018, Jessica was recognized by InvestmentNews as a “40 Under 40” honoree for her leadership and contribution to the financial planning industry. In 2019, 她获得了母校颁发的杰克·戴维斯专业成就奖, 阿拉巴马大学. The award is presented to outstanding alumni from the school of Human Environmental Sciences for their professional accomplishments.
办公室之外, 杰西卡喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 阅读, 做志愿者,享受户外活动. 她最喜欢的消遣是看她的孩子们踢足球.
丹尼尔米. MBA, CFP®,ChFC®,AIF®,CDFA®
Daniel是MY Wealth Planners®的所有者,这是一家位于CO . Longmont的财务规划公司. Daniel is a member of the NAPFA West Region Board and also represents NexGen planners on the 平安险’s Executive Committee.
丹尼尔也是博士.D. 堪萨斯州立大学的候选人, where he has researched financial planner compensation and fee models for the past several years, 还有创作。”入门:开始财务规划职业生涯.丹尼尔和他的未婚妻凯特琳住在朗蒙特.
杰弗里·杰夫·布朗, CAE, 是伊利诺伊州注册会计师协会(ICPAS)的总裁兼首席执行官。, 全国最大的州注册会计师协会之一. Brown also serves as president and CEO of CPAs for the Public Interest and ex-officio board member of the CPA Endowment Fund of Illinois.
经验丰富的认证协会执行人员(CAE), 布朗有超过20年的协会专业经验. 在2022年加入ICPAS之前, 他曾担任全国个人理财顾问协会(NAPFA)的首席执行官。, 美国领先的收费金融顾问专业协会, 整整九年. 在NAPFA之前, 布朗是Sentergroup的客户主管, 史密斯·巴克林公司的协会经理, 并在北美博爱会议担任过多个职位.
布朗曾担任协会论坛的董事会主席,是一个活跃的成员. He is also an active member in the American Society of Association Executives and is a board member for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago and the Association of Fraternal Leadership & 值. Brown earned a Bachelor of Arts in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland.
2023年NAPFA DEI优秀奖
Mike Walther received his BS degree in Economics and MBA with a concentration in Accounting from Vanderbilt University. 他持有注册会计师/PFS称号, 是注册财务规划师和特许财务分析师. Mike于2008年创立了Oak Wealth Advisors. His passion for helping people led him to open the firm so that families with loved ones with disabilities could access fiduciary financial advice and build plans for their futures with advisors required to put their clients’ interests ahead of their own. His mission is to help as many families as he can through Oak Wealth Advisors by creating content, 教学类, 演讲, 为客户服务. Mike has shared his knowledge and experience at multiple universities and with organizations around the country. 他的公司服务的客户遍及五大洲.
Oak Wealth Advisors works to integrate the strengths and passion of those with special needs into every aspect of their firm. 所有员工都有一个有特殊需要的家庭成员. 他们总部办公室里的所有艺术品都是由残疾人创作的. The birthday and holiday cards the firm sends to friends and clients are all designed by individuals with disabilities. The annual “thank you” gifts their clients receive are made by individuals with disabilities or companies that were founded to employ individuals with disabilities.
2023年NAPFA DEI优秀奖
Budros Ruhlin Roe (CI BRR)
CI BRR has prioritized an emphasis on diversity and 包容 through multiple initiatives, knowing that this will greatly impact attracting and retaining wonderful associates and clients alike. 课程包括D&我委员会, 指导合作项目和沟通,以提高包容性, 以及一个妇女倡议组织, 促进女性同事之间的教育和关系建立. The firm has offered a Women in Wealth Management scholarship plus internship award for the past seven years and a Diversity in Wealth Management scholarship plus internship award for the last three years to qualifying college students studying finance. 我们的创始人之一, 佩吉Ruhlin, also just published a book titled “Wealth is Women’s Work” to encourage women to consider a career in financial planning.
自1979年以来, we have been passionate about helping busy people solve complex financial issues through many life stages. 2021年,总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市的布德罗斯、鲁林 & Roe became a 合作伙伴 firm in CI Private Wealth (CIPW) and renamed as Budros Ruhlin Roe (CI BRR). CIPW leverages the collective expertise of some of the top wealth management firms in the country to create a profoundly different wealth management experience. Clients receive the benefit of our expanded services and greater collaboration with some of the most highly respected firms in the industry. Clients also have increased access to next-level financial guidance in the areas of Trust Services, 税务服务, 财富转移, 账单支付和另类投资.
Neela Hummel于2009年作为Abacus财富合伙公司的实习生开始了她的金融职业生涯, 后来获得了CFP®,并逐步晋升为财务顾问, 合作伙伴, 在2021年被任命为Abacus的联席首席执行官之前,担任首席顾问官, 和玛丽·贝丝·斯托约翰一起.
在Abacus工作期间, Neela曾担任两届董事会成员, 制定行业领先的育婴假政策(6个月带薪休假), 并发起了公司的女性倡议, 算盘姐妹会. She has helped grow Abacus as a values-aligned firm that supports gender equity through flexible policies, 创造职业道路, 薪酬透明度. As a result, over 50% of Abacus’ advisors are women, in an industry where 20% is the industry norm.
尼拉的工作重点是增强和提升女性在金融领域的地位. 在她的职业生涯中, 尼拉一直是女性转行者和下一代人才的忠实导师. 她还主持过讲习班和讲座, 教的课程, and has been a keynote speaker at conferences including the Invest for Women Conference and 平安险’s Next Gen Gathering. She simultaneously devotes her time to working within the finance industry to guide leaders and stakeholders to build a more inclusive and gender equitable industry.
在她的职业生涯中, 尼拉被《安卓版下载》评为最具影响力的女性, 《安卓版下载》评选的40位40岁以下的理财顾问, 出现在ABC 7频道新闻和你的钱(天狼星FM). She has been a guest on podcasts including Work Your Wealth, the People's Tax Page, and RIA Edge. Neela一直是Abacus博客的常客, 并在《三亿体育app》杂志上发表过文章, 投资的新闻, CNBC, 平安险, 财务规划, 《安卓版下载》杂志, 美国新闻, 男性健康, 和洛杉矶时报.
玛丽•贝丝•斯托约翰是Abacus财富合伙公司的联合首席执行官. 她是一名注册理财规划师, 作者, speaker and podcast host with 18 years of experience in the financial services industry. She joined Abacus in 2019 as Chief Marketing Officer after successfully launching and growing her own RIA firm. 2022年,她与尼拉·哈梅尔(Neela Hummel)被任命为联合首席执行官.
相信“行动比语言更响亮”,” Storjohann is known for sparking conversations and change in the financial services industry by leaning into uncomfortable dialogue and decisions in an effort to help create a more equitable industry. 她是女性、多元化、平等的强烈倡导者 & 包容, 让你的金钱与你的价值观保持一致, 为服务不足的人群提供金融建议.
Mary Beth has made frequent appearances on NBC as a financial expert and has been featured in major media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, 魅力, 美国国家公共电台, 《安卓版下载》, 妇女的健康, 世界性的, CNBC, 《三亿体育app》, 和更多的.
她的荣誉包括Big Path Capital评选的“100位最具影响力的ceo”, 《安卓版下载》评选的“40岁以下40强”, 《三亿体育app》杂志评选的“值得关注的10位年轻理财顾问”, and she was named one of the Top Ten Most Influential Advisors by Investopedia – a list that celebrates financial advisors making significant contributions to critical conversations about financial literacy, 投资策略, 人生阶段规划, 财富管理.